Sabtu, 21 November 2009


Name: Andhika R
NRP: 08.4831/N


Good morning ladies and gentleman, I’m glad so many of you could make it today and thanks for the time, my pleasure to Mr Wesley as the lecturer of English maritime.In this opportunity I want to explain my presentation to you all.The presentation will help you to understand about sea project.The main point of this chance is to give you all about information of seaproject.I will start with an outline and give more details, so it can be informative for you.

Well as a cadet we have known the programme of this institute, which we will do the sea project in fifth and sixth semester and of course everyone waits for that moment.In seaproject we will learn more in practice exactly and also we will know what we have to do later when we are going to be an officer.

You will know all of knowledge of the seaman on board,you will understand about execution of it’s work during on board because the theory is not enough, so we have to join the ship and know how to operate the ship include the mantenace.

Then you will hear some behavior to guarantee the safety of ship and crew, base on IMO that sentenced “safety is number one”, so we can start from safety of ourself for examples, we use safety equipment, work properly, and follow the procedures.

Beside that we must care about safety of ship and environment and also never operate the machine if you don’t know how to operate it, will be better if you ask to the officer first

We as a cadet have to understand about various of pollution,so we must be drawn not to pollute the sea and sky and also we must know to avoid it,beside that ,in sea project we will learn about how to dispose the wates,garbage,and sewage on board and never dispose its over board.Based on the Marpol convention we must do the procedure to use chemichal treatment for sewage to prevent marine pollution.

In the sea project of course we will be punctual, it shown in seaman daily routine for instance, we have to come fifteen minutes before duty time, it is important to measure to check the master orders, visibility, and prepare for handover and also to wait for further information maybe about navigation or the traffic.

Then you must think that your ship is your first home,your first wife ,,because you just live on board in specific area, isolated from society, you spend your time more in vessel, so never feel bored.Fill your time with positives thing, like read the books or do sport, it will help you to avoid your boring.

Next we must always wear the uniform, eventhough you go to the passenger area,never use the slippers and do not use civillant.Be stiff and idol in performance.

Then we must know about international habit when visit the ship, first we have to pay respect to national ensign ,second let the higher rank walk in front followed by lower rank and we should salute to the guy in the gangway and never come to the crew room,when leaving lower rank walk in front and followed by higher rank and don’t forget to salute to the national ensign on the stern.

Finally when we finish the sea project ,it means a beginning of everything and have to find a lot of information,join in the maritime seminar and take action to discuss with the retired captain or to the officer or senior to get the best input for profiency as a ship officer.

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